About Us

Why AffinIT?
Small to medium sized companies often do not have the funds to employ a dedicated IT role and as a consequence they usually go down the path of having an enthusiast in the business take care of their systems or make the occasional call to a local IT technician when things go wrong.
The problems with this approach can soon be felt:

An enthusiastic employee is a great tool to have but often it means that systems are installed according to what that individual can understand rather than is what's best for the business. When the time comes to grow, the infrastructure in place may present additional problems and often with a limited budget means that this breeds further sacrifices in performance, suitability or reliability.
Employing a local IT contractor often means the relationship is reactionary. The goal of the contractor is to fix the problem and get paid, not to improve the systems to ensure the problems do not occur again.
Ultimately, without forward infrastructure planning systems soon become fragmented, out of date and unable to cope with the burdens placed on them. This places the company at a disadvantage to those who can afford to have a resident IT specialist who can carry out these tasks regularly.
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Why is AffinIT different?
Our goal is to understand and look at the needs of the business and to apply our technical expertise and product portfolio to ensure your company has all the tools and infrastructure to keep them competitive in their market place.
In addition, with use of monthly maintenance contracts and year on year budget planning we are able to make IT costs a much more stable cost to bear.
Of course we have a range of products that we have found to be a good fit for many businesses but our services don't end there. Some of our existing clients have special working practices or situations that required a tailored approach, something that we are happy to do.
If you already have someone with IT experience in-house we are more than happy to work with them to assist where required, which has the added bonus of broadening their knowledge as well.